What Napoleon would say about Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

What Napoleon would say about Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

What Napoleon would say about Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

Posted on October 5th, 2023

Napoleon was probably responsible for the adage, "Dress me slowly for I am in a hurry". Well, even if he did not say it, let's be generous as he no longer has the luxury of time. Why write about the luxury of time or the wasting of time? Hopefully, it is not a time loser for either of us.

We rush around forgetting things and going back for them, passing through what our eyes see as yellow traffic lights, only to be intimately involved with another vehicle, causing loss of time and much more. The art of writing and having a substantive conversation has been usurped with quick text or irreverent email.

So, if you opt to choose your Plastic Surgeon by these new norms of speed and derring-do then your outcome may be what our Frenchman wished to avoid: Redo's, blunders, errors of omission, or the ultimate loss of time for eternity.

It is amazing that often it takes less time choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon to rejuvenate your face then the time taken to find a new hair dresser. After all, having a quaffed head of hair for all to admire is crucial.

Hmmm.... Shouldn't that go ten-fold for the only face you will ever call your own?

Sculpting the face either with the Endolift Laser, PDO Miracu & Mint Threads and liquid fillers: RHA, Restylane or Radiesse to lift and reshape the cheeks and jaw line, or to create fuller and smoother luxurious lips, requires thoughtful planning and meticulous artistry.

Anyone who is foolhardy to rush though a Non-Surgical Facelift or Rhinoplasty will find less than optimal results.

As an accomplished Plastic Surgeon & Artist with vast experience I offer my patients the advantage of my insight, skill, creativity and "passion" & the ability to rejuvenate their face and neck in a most natural manner. When you choose me, know I never rush and take as much time as required to please both my patients and myself. My credo is that I am finished when I am satisfied that we both will smile at their transformation 7 never sooner.

The next time you rush out and leave your keys behind or wonder if the iron is off, consider all the seconds of stress you will leave behind when you take a little extra time.

Jeffrey Rosenthal, M.D.

Plastic Surgeon & International Artist


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